Friday, January 28, 2011

Pearl's Wishes

Over the past week, Pearl has been asking for a swimming pool, to go swimming, to take swimming lessons...

Sometimes she talks about wanting a pool just like her friend Emily, how she'll jump off the diving board, she asks where her life jacket is. You name it, Pearl's thought about it and voiced her opinions. I'm not sure where all this pool talk and excitement has come from, seeing how its late January and there is still snow on the ground. Regardless, she has been very clear to her Daddy the last few times they've spoken: "Please make me a swimming pool Daddy!".

Today, preparations began, we got her a suit so she's ready when Daddy gets back to hit the pool. It may not be strictly 'our' pool but I know they'll have a blast.

Vernon Rec Center, lookout, here comes my Pearl.


Janet said...

Looking good pearl !!
Lisa, she wants a life jacket?? Oh how things have changed :)

Anonymous said...

I Love Love Love this picture. She looks like Ramona...does everyone remember the book?

Zaida & Gramma said...

You'll be the most beautiful water angel at the Rec complex, Pearl. They might make you lose the boots though, babe.
We love you, Zaida & Gramma