Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Dolphins

Meet the new star player for the Dolphins in the Vernon Soccer Patch League.

Pearl was beyond fantastic. She listened to her coach, shined in all the drills, games and quick scrimmage and that beautiful smile never left her face.

No I am not biased :)
She's a natural.

As I was tucking her in tonight, Pearl explained how she was going to wake up early, put on all her soccer gear, come wake me up and we would then practice everything she learned today. LOVE IT!

You're amazing Pearl, we are all so proud of you for taking each new experience you try and confidently running with it!

Go Dolphins Go!


Linda said...

Those shoes look so fassst Pearl!!
A soccer star in the making.....

Go Dolphins Go!!


Nana & Grampa

Anonymous said...

What wonderful shots. You look like a natural, Pearl. Maybe you will be as good as mommy was/is. You sure look like you are having fun.
Love to all,
Zaida and Gramma

Zaida and Gramma said...

Forgot to comment on the rooting section. Leo, you also look like you're having a good time. Is it because of how good your sister is, or is it because daddy's home? Doesn't really matter what the reason, does it. You're such a happy lad.
Love you,
Zaida and Gramma