Sunday, March 6, 2016

2016 Hot Dog Mogul Event

Pearl raced in her second Hot Dog Mogul event today.   She has been training hard lead well by her Freestyle coaches Connie and Jamieson.  Plus Pearl was supported by a very special cheering entourage.

And our girl raced to a 2nd place finish in the 7-8 year old girls category!  Woot Woot!

Daddy and I are so proud of the skier you've become Pearl, skiing with you is definitely one of our most favourite things to do.  Congratulations, we all had so much fun today!


1 comment:

Linda said...

Way to go, Pearl
Your hard work and practice all winter paid off with your second place standing!! We love you very much. Looked like you had lots of fans to cheer you down the course

Nana & Grampa