Thursday, May 19, 2016

5th Birthday Party

On Wednesday Leo's friends arrived to celebrate his 5th birthday. The backyard was set up with two bouncy castles, trampoline, bean bag toss, soccer and homemade giant bubble juice. It was non stop action and these little ones played their hearts out.  

Leo's pure joy and excitement was priceless.  He noticed all the small details and was so proud to hand out his orange sparkly birthday play dough and popcorn boxes as thank you for coming gifts. 

At one point he came running up to me and said "Mom I had no idea it was going to be like this!"  Nothing like 6 children getting along seamlessly to make all the Mom's in attendance happy. 

I love you Leo Fisher and all your blissful wildness. 

1 comment:

Linda said...

Isn't it awesome to soon turn 5, Leo Fisher Fogel?
More celebrations to come !! Can't wait!!

Love, hugs and kisses

Nana & Grampa